What Does It Mean To ‘Go Google’?
These days, businesses are always looking for a better way to do things in order to save time and money. Over the past few years, Google has been encouraging businesses to ‘Go Google’ by implementing Google Apps for Business in the workplace. According to Google, over 5 million businesses currently use Google Apps for Business , Google’s web-based suite of messaging and collaboration , to help team members communicate with each other, collaborate on projects, and share documents. Google Apps for Business is also very reasonably priced (i.e. $50 USD per user/year) so it is definitely a solution that any business can afford to implement. Read More
Customer Success Story – National HealthClaim
National HealthClaim (NHC) offers innovative health spending accounts (HSAs) to businesses of all sizes. With online administrative consoles available to both companies and agents, NHC has grown into a very agile company able to meet their customers varying requirements. As a company focused on delivering the best HSA products and the service to match, NHC was determined to use the best tools internally to make that happen. We worked with NHC to understand their needs and to address the IT pain points within their business. Here is a list of their IT pain points and the cloud-based solutions we used to solve the problem:
Google Drive – 5 New Features To Take Advantage Of
The great thing about Google is that they are constantly innovating and updating their products. As a result, there are often features that roll out that go undiscovered by users. Here are 5 hidden gems for individuals who use Google Drive to be aware of:
Gmail Labs – Our Top 5 Favorite Labs
Gmail Labs are a “testing ground for experimental features” and “may change, break or disappear at any time” according to the disclaimer. Labs that are currently available are listed within a user’s Gmail settings (via the gears icon). In our opinion, the good ones aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Here are our favorite labs in no particular order:
Relax And Let Your Cloud Apps Manage Things While On Vacation
For the ‘always on, always connected’ society we find ourselves in, it’s hard to step away from updating our status on social media accounts (like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn), looking up information on Google, or checking out email on smartphones from dawn to dusk. However, when you go on vacation, you need to unplug from it all for a while. Here are a couple simple ways we use cloud apps to look after things while we’re away: