How To Get More Retweets on Twitter [Infographic]

With more than 500 million registered users, Twitter is one of the most popular social networking sites in the world.  Sending out a tweet involves more that just valuable content, a URL link and using relevant hashtags.   Did you know that there is an art behind reaching the largest possible audience for your tweets?  If your company has a Twitter account, you know that it takes time to build an audience (i.e. followers) and getting retweets is a key part of reaching a larger audience with your message.  According to recent findings, there are several factors that influence how many retweets you receive on Twitter.  These factors include:

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Twitter Best Practices For SMB’s – How To Use Hashtags

The recipe for a great Tweet includes a combination of great content, a URL link (to follow for more information) and hashtags.  Small and medium sized businesses need to effectively use hashtags in their Tweets to communicate their message and reach out to individuals and/or companies who aren’t necessarily ‘following’ them on Twitter.  Understanding what a hashtag is, where to find hashtags, and best practices for using hashtags will help any company that uses Twitter get the most out of this social networking platform.

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How To Personalize The Background Of Your Company Twitter Profile

If your company has a Twitter account, one of the things that you should do is personalize the background of your Twitter profile.  The space on the sides of your Twitter feed is prime real estate to share your personality and/or other social media accounts with users who visit your profile.  Did you know that you have 4 options when it comes to personalizing the background of your Twitter profile? Your options include: 1) pick a premade theme, 2) customize your background with a favorite photo/image, 3) choose a pre-set background image from a third party, or 4) create your own background using design software.

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Social Media and the Cloud: Favorite Blogs and Twitter Accounts To Follow

These days, companies are using social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, blogs etc.) to share news, updates, eBooks, and other information with the world.  As a company, we depend on information posted via social media to help us keep up-to-date on the cloud computing industry.  If you are fairly new to social media, where do you start?  Here is our list of favorite cloud computing blogs and Twitter accounts to follow:

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