Get Your Files Into Salesforce – 3 Options For SMB’s

Every small and medium business deals with document management.  If they’re organized, they likely have files on some sort of shared file server at the office.  If they’re really organized and collaborative, they’ve moved their documents to a cloud storage solution like Google Drive or Dropbox. If they’re also using Salesforce they’ve likely wondered what is the best way to relate their files to records in Salesforce for best file organization and archiving.  There are many ways to do this however I’m going to highlight 3 realistic ways for SMB’s to get their files in Salesforce along with the corresponding pros and cons to each.

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What Are The Benefits of Cloud Computing For Small Business Owners? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Cloud computing is being embraced by businesses of all sizes – from small businesses to large corporations.  Many small businesses are ‘moving to the cloud’ so that they can take advantage of key benefits including:  cost savings, flexibility to work from anywhere, ability to collaborate with colleagues on a document, data security, and improved efficiency.

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Small Business and Social Media – Do You Have A Plan? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Recognizing the fact that social media is not going away anytime soon, many small businesses have created social networking accounts to reach/engage current and potential clients.  If your small business is just starting to think about a social media presence, where do you start?  Building a social media presence requires planning and a commitment to monitoring/updating the social networking accounts that have been created. Ultimately, the goal of any social media plan is to share valuable content with the greater community so that the individuals that ‘follow’ or like’ your company continue to engage with you on an ongoing basis.

Recently, Purolator posted an interesting infographic on the topic of small business and social media.  This infographic is a helpful resource for small businesses as it highlights the top 5 social networking sites that are influencing the business world, offers statistics on Canada and social media usage, defines ‘need to know’ terms, and provides 7 tips for getting started in social media.

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Reliable Internet Service & Your Small Business: 5 Tips For Cloud Computing Success

For today’s small businesses that run from a SOHO (Small Office and/or Home Office), a reliable internet connection is key to having a successful business.  With many small businesses using SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) cloud applications, reliable internet service is crucial.  However, small business owners are often too busy running their business to deal with optimizing their internet service.  This post is written with that in mind and to encourage small business owners to review some simple tips to save themselves some grief.  Here are 5 tips for cloud computing success:

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