Launched in 2010, Salesforce Chatter is a user-friendly platform for Salesforce CRM users to communicate with colleagues within their company.   Salesforce Chatter allows users to collaborate and communicate with colleagues in real-time via a ‘newsfeed’.   At Perpetual West, we use Salesforce Chatter on a daily basis and highly recommend it to all of our Salesforce CRM clients.  Simply put, Chatter reduces emails and meetings.  Why should you use Salesforce Chatter? Here is our list of the top 5 features of Salesforce Chatter.

Top 5 Features of Salesforce Chatter

 1.   Form groups

Users can set up three different types of groups:

    • public group (for company-wide information)
    • private group (to work on projects with specific colleagues)
    • customer group (with customers or vendors)

2.   Post relevant articles and/or website links

    • In a post, users can share a link to an article or website that colleagues can review

3.   Share files

    • Files can be shared with colleagues by attaching the file to a Salesforce Chatter post
    • Colleagues can comment on files that are shared

4.   Chatter Messenger

    • Users can exchange real-time instant messages with colleagues

5.   Access Salesforce Chatter from anywhere

    • Users can connect with Salesforce Chatter via their desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet, or mobile phone (i.e. Android, iPhone, Blackberry)



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