What comes to mind when the name ‘Google’ is mentioned?  As a company, Google is know for their search, cloud computing, software, and online advertising technology.  Many consumers are familiar with Google’s products (such as Google search engine, Google Apps for Business, Google+, Google AdWords etc.) but there is more to Google than meets the eye.  Did you know that Google is actively involved in developing technology that will change the way that you interact with the world around you?  Check out the recent infographic created by etoro to learn more about Google’s current technology projects, achievements, acquisitions, and revenue growth over the years:

Google Infographic

Source of Infographic: http://visual.ly/will-google-continue-changing-our-lives

Do you have questions about how Google Apps for Business can help your business connect and collaborate with ease?  Perpetual West is a Google Apps Authorized Reseller we work with Google Apps Marketplace to help businesses achieve a fully integrated solution.  For more information, visit our website or contact us at 1 (877) 388-6400.