How Can a Cloud Broker Can Help My Small or Medium Sized Business?

Many small and medium sized businesses (SMB) are using the services of  a professional cloud broker to help them navigate the cloud and move their business to the cloud.  By definition, a cloud broker is a third party business that acts as an intermediary between the purchaser of a cloud computing service and the sellers of that service.  For a typical small or medium sized business, what are the advantages of using a cloud broker?
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Is There a Cloud Solution For My IT Pain Point?

We hear about IT pain points on a regular basis.  Cloud computing gives companies a new way of solving IT pain points via software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications that enable real cost savings, rapid time-to-benefit and access to ongoing technology innovation.   Here are five of the most popular pain points we hear about from our small business clients and our recommended cloud solution(s) that will remedy the issue:

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