What’s new at Salesforce.com?  According to a recent blog post by Bloomberg.com, February 26th is the day that Salesforce.com is going to formally announce their new company focus/tagline: “customer companies”.  This new company tagline will replace the current “social enterprise” tagline (as Salesforce.com was unable to secure a trademark for that term). On Tuesday February 26th, Salesforce.com is hosting a special announcement event called “Live From New York: Marc Benioff Unveils Customer Company Transformations”  in New York City so that Salesforce partners and customers can learn more about the new “customer companies” tagline.

Highlights of the “customer companies” announcement event include:

  • Remarks by Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO of Salesforce.com
  • Hear customer stories (including Obama for America and more)
  • Learn how to connect to your customers in a whole new way
  • Join a live social stream with thousands of customers and experts
  • Watch exclusive post-keynote session broadcasts


Announcement Details:

When:   Tuesday February 26, 2013

Time:  1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Location:  Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City

* Register to watch the live announcement event here