In light of the recent password security breach at LinkedIn, how do you keep your social media accounts and other online accounts (like Gmail) safe?. Many of us have multiple social media accounts (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest etc.) and feel unsettled when we hear about password security breaches in the media. According to experts, there are two things that you can do to keep your online accounts secure: 1) actively manage your account/password, and 2) create a strong password.
General Password Tips:
- Do not use the same password on multiple accounts or sites. Use unique passwords for each account.
- Change your password regularly (i.e. at least once a quarter)
- Don’t share your password with others
How Do I Create a Strong Password?
- Include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers
- Think of a password that is longer (i.e. 10 characters) and that cannot be easily guessed
- Use a unique word that is meaningful to you vs. one that is found in a dictionary
Creating a strong password is just one way of keeping your online account safe and secure. Below is a video by Google that highlights 5 tips for staying safe on the web: