Citrix Online is the place to find online collaboration, access, and support tools for your business.  Everyday, companies are looking for ways to increase productivity, reduce costs, and operate more efficiently.  Ultimately companies are looking for a better way of doing things.  We believe that Citrix Online has a solution for every business in their suite of online tools and highly recommend their products including: GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, GoToTraining, GoToMyPC, and GoToAssist.

Collaboration Tools:

*free 30 day trial available for all collaboration tools*

  • GoToMeeting – hold an online meeting with colleagues in different locations without having to travel
  • GoToWebinar – educate others about your product/service by organizing your own webinar
  • GoToTraining – hold an interactive training session for colleagues and clients from your own computer


Remote Access:

*free 30 day trial available for remote access tool*

  • GoToMyPC – secure access to your office computer from anywhere in the world


Technical Support:

  • GoToAssist – tool allows you to remotely support clients (including unattended computers)

Ultimately, Citrix Online’s suite of business tools are easy to use and saves our company both time and money.  Are you looking for a better way to work?  Check out Citrix Online’s suite of business tools to see how they can help you and your company.

