For most of us, the fear of getting hacked usually revolves around identity theft or corporate theft.  For small business owners that are leveraging the power of cloud computing technology (like Salesforce CRM or Google Apps), there are a few things that you can do to ensure that your company accounts are safe/hack proof.  Here are five recommended cloud computing security tips – starting with those that are simplest to implement:

  1. Make your password unique and unpredictable.  If you use simple passwords like “123456” or “password”, you’re in trouble.  Hackers know these and the obvious password patterns that people use.  Want to know how good your password is?  Try it out at How Secure Is My Password?  Ideally, use a long password and one with a mix of letters (some caps), numbers and symbols.  For some helpful password tips, refer to Your Clever Password Tricks Aren’t Protecting You from Today’s Hackers.
  2. Use different passwords for each of your important accounts.  For example, don’t use the same password for your bank account and your company email account.  If one account was compromised, at least the other would remain unaffected.  Using a password manager app like LastPass or KeePass can help you keep track of your passwords so you don’t have to.  All you have to remember is one master password.  If you’re dedicated enough, consider coming up with your own personal password algorithm (example: click here)
  3. Enforce a password policy within the app in question. Most Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) apps like Salesforce CRM and Google Apps have the ability to enforce a password policy.  Some are more elaborate than others but take advantage where possible.
  4. Consider using a password manager or SSO (Sign Sign-On) app.  As mentioned above, password managers like LastPass are good for storing unique passwords.  They can also generate them so you don’t have to.  Single sign-on tools like OneLogin allow you to login to multiple accounts with, well, you guessed, one login.  Either way, you don’t have to remember a myriad of secure unique passwords.
  5. Consider 2 Factor Authentication.    If you have a Google Account, they call it 2-step verification.   Basically, a password is one factor (something you know).  The second factor is something you have.  For apps like  Google Apps for Business, this is your smartphone.  Your smartphone app generates a 7 digit code with a limited lifespan.  That code in addition to your password is required for you to login.  Click here for the details.


Perpetual West can help your company with cloud solutions, services, and cloud computing security issues.  Contact us today at 1 (877) 388-6400 or visit our website.

